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. 2018 Dec 17;13(12):e0208632. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208632

Table 1. Characteristics of the population (weighted data, n = 3023).

Distribution in the population Prevalence of
n % % p
    Women 1602 53.0 55.3 0.076
    Men 1421 47.0 51.5
Age (years)
    18–39 1329 44.0 61.7 <0.001
    40–59 1030 34.1 53.0
    >60 664 22.0 38.0
Socioeconomic status
    None/Primary 297 9.8 36.1 <0.001
    Secondary 1174 38.9 49.7
    Post-secondary 1551 51.3 59.7
Income (monthly household income per consumption unit, euros)
    <1000 650 21.5 45.2 <0.001
    1000–1500 702 23.2 52.6
    1500–2200 797 26.4 55.1
    >2200 874 28.9 58.8
Employed or student
    Yes 1919 63.5 60.0 <0.001
    No 1101 36.5 42.0
Health information seeking (outside a medical consultation, in the past 3 years)
Researching information or advice on a medicine or a treatment
    Yes 1034 34.3 64.4 <0.001
    No 1980 65.7 47.7
Researching information or advice on an illness or a symptom
    Yes 596 19.8 62.5 <0.001
    No 2410 80.2 51.0
Researching information on healthcare news
    Yes 663 22.0 60.6 <0.001
    No 2357 78.0 51.4
Self-perceived susceptibility to disease
Becomes sick more easily than others
    Agree 303 10.1 51.5 0.501
    Disagree 2709 89.9 53.8
The body does not seem to resist very well to disease
    Agree 377 12.6 51.2 0.388
    Disagree 2623 87.4 53.9
Generally catches everything that lays around
    Agree 562 18.7 60.7 0.001
    Disagree 2445 81.3 51.9
Daily mobility (within or outside the neighborhood of residence (NR))
Where they usually go to the restaurant or to the café
    Mainly within the NR 991 32.8 46.7 <0.001
    Both within and outside the NR 616 20.4 54.8
    Mainly outside the NR 1409 46.7 57.7
Where they usually go for a walk
    Mainly within the NR 898 29.8 46.4 <0.001
    Both within and outside the NR 1039 34.5 54.8
    Mainly outside the NR 1072 35.6 58.5
Where they usually meet friends
    Mainly within the NR 645 21.5 45.8 <0.001
    Both within and outside the NR 1134 37.7 52.9
    Mainly outside the NR 1228 40.8 58.0
Self-perceived health
General health
    Very good/Good 2335 77.3 56.1 <0.001
    Very poor/Poor/Fair 686 22.7 44.8
Physical health
    Very good/Good 2316 76.7 56.0 <0.001
    Very poor/Poor/Fair 704 23.3 45.6
Psychological health
    Very good/Good 2330 77.2 54.6 0.046
    Very poor/Poor/Fair 690 22.8 49.7
Chronic disease
Regular treatment or follow-up
    Yes 1191 39.4 44.2 <0.001
    No 1831 60.6 59.5
Chronic health condition
    Yes 972 32.2 47.3 <0.001
    No 2049 67.8 56.5
At least one disease among those listed over the last 12 monthsa
    Yes 1695 56.1 51.9 0.101
    No 1328 43.9 55.5
Social support
Someone you can count on
    Yes 2864 94.7 54.4 <0.001
    No 159 5.3 37.5
Household size (number of adults and children)
    1 573 18.9 48.6 0.012
    2–3 1468 48.6 52.8
    >3 983 32.5 57.4
Mistrust in physicians
Physicians do not best know what is good for ill people
    Agree 339 11.2 58.0 0.119
    Disagree 2678 88.8 52.9
Victim or witness of a medical mistake (whole life)
    Yes 618 20.4 58.8 0.013
    No 2404 79.6 52.2
Health risk behaviors
Potential alcohol abuseb
    Yes 465 15.4 61.8 0.001
    No 2549 84.6 52
Current daily smoking
    Yes 764 25.3 57.9 0.019
    No 2258 74.7 52
Disease prevention
Dietary supplements, vitamins or minerals intake over the past 4 weeks
    Yes 697 23.1 66.3 <0.001
    No 2321 76.9 49.7
Unmet healthcare needs due to economic reasons in the 12 last months
    Yes 512 16.9 62.7 <0.001
    No 2509 83.1 51.6
Medical science is not effective for all health problems
    Agree 1483 49.3 57.5 <0.001
    Disagree 1525 50.7 49.6

a Asthma, allergy, diabetes, cataract, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, cancer, migraine, anxiety, depression, other disease

b At least one “yes” response to the CAGE questionnaire