Table 2. Frequency of the hemoglobinopathies in patients with on hemodialysis in Salvador, Brazil.
HOSPITAL | TESTED | HbAS | (%) | HbAC | (%) | HbSS | (%) | HbCC | (%) |
INED | 103 | 07 | (6.8) | 02 | (1.9) | 00 | (00) | 00 | (00) |
HAN | 84 | 10 | (11.9) | 07 | (8.3) | 00 | (00) | 00 | (00) |
HGRS | 119 | 13 | (10.9) | 03 | (2.5) | 00 | (00) | 00 | (00) |
TOTAL | 306 | 30 | (9.8) | 12 | (3.9) | 00 | (00) | 00 | (00) |
HbAS: Hemoglobin AS genotype; HbAC: Hemoglobin AC genotype; HbSS: Hemoglobin SS genotype; HbCC: Hemoglobin CC genotype. INED: Institute of Nephrology and Dialysis, HAN: Ana Nery Hospital, HGRS: Roberto Santos General Hospital