Fig 3. In vivo expression of crcZ, crcY and PP2810 of P. putida and point mutagenesis of the CbrB binding sites.
Expression was measured as β- galactosidase activity of the crcZ (A), crcY (B) and PP2810 (C) -lacZ transcriptional fusions of the promoter region or the corresponding substituted sites F1, R1 or R2 in LB (white bars), minimal medium with succinate (black bars) and oxaloacetate (grey bars) as carbon source. Plasmids pMPO1316, pMPO1314 and pMPO422 contained the wild type sequences for crcZ, crcY and PP2810, respectively. Substitutions of F1, R1 (R’) and R2 were generated in plasmids pMPO436, pMPO437 and pMPO438 for crcZ, pMPO439, pMPO440 (pMPO441) and pMPO442 for crcY and plasmids pMPO425, pMPO426 and pMPO428 for PP2810. The values are the average of at least three independent assays. The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the means of at least three independent assays. Stars designate p-values for the Student's t-test for unpaired samples not assuming equal variance and are referred to the wild type sequence of each promoter. *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; ***:p<0.005.