FGS with ICG identified MPM during pleural biopsy: Subject 1: Representative example of subject in which high levels of fluorescence were observed during pleural biopsy. Subject 1, sample images of a cluster of 1mm MPM lesions (yellow gate) are displayed in a (a) traditional white-light view, (b) a monochromatic NIR view and (c) a merged NIR view. In Subject 5, there were no lesions identified during (d) white light thoracoscopy, nor during (d) NIR monochromatic or (e) merged NIR evaluation. (g) For each subject, the SBR of biopsied lesions were recorded and categorized based on final pathologic diagnosis. (h) The fluorescence (SBR) of biopsy proven MPM was significantly higher than benign lesions (p<0.0001).