Probability of operative ASD closure versus transcatheter ASD closure
Conditional standardization was used to calculate an adjusted probability of operative ASD closure vs. transcatheter device closure, for a hypothetical white male six-year-old boy with no co-morbid conditions (maroon line with 95% CI represented by the dashed grey lines). This was based on the mixed effects multivariate generalized linear model summarized in Table 2. The probability of operative ASD closure decreased significantly from 2007 until 2012 (OR: 0.95 per year, p=0.02). In 2013, there was a significant shift in probability favoring ASD (OR: 1.21 per year, p=0.006).
(From O’Byrne et al 2017 Increasing Propensity to Pursue Operative Closure of Atrial Septal Defects Following Changes in the Instructions for Use of the Amplatzer Septal Occluder Device
An Observational Study Using Data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database. Am Heart J, 192: 85–97; with permission.)