Tumor growth and response to therapy characterised with convection-MRI. (a)
Example maps of vascular perfusion, effective pressure
(Peff), fluid velocity and apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) during 10 days of growth in two colorectal tumor xenografts
(LS174T and SW1222), and at 24 hours following a single dose of the vascular
disrupting agent CA4P (100 mg kg-1). (b) Scatter plots of the mean
values of these parameters, from the whole tumor cohort. Fluid speed, measured
using convection-MRI, tends to increase with tumor volume), whilst perfusion and
Peff decrease. Each point corresponds to a
single measurement from a tumor, and black and grey lines connect individual
tumors (LS174T (n = 6) and SW1222 (n = 7)
colorectal tumor xenografts, respectively). (c) shows the mean change in each
parameter at 24 hours following treatment with CA4P. Tumor volume did not
significantly change with treatment, whilst in LS174T tumors, perfusion
decreased and interstitial fluid speed and ADC increased. In SW1222 tumors,
perfusion and Peff significantly decreased and ADC
significantly increased. Error bars represent the standard error in the mean; **
denotes p<0.01, * denotes p<0.05.