Figure 8.
SGK1 regulates expression of the AP-1 network genes in breast cancer cells. Transcript levels of AP-1 network genes (EGR1, FOS, JUN, and DUSP1) were studied using quantitative real-time PCR in T47D (PR-positive) and MD231 (PR-negative) overexpressing SGK1 (A and B) and upon knockdown of SGK1 (C and D) in both of the cell lines, respectively. Gene expression analysis upon overexpression of SGK1 is plotted compared with the untransfected cells. In the case of analysis upon knockdown of SGK1, transcript levels of AP-1 network genes were compared against sh-NT clone. Data are plotted as -fold change for each individual gene with respect to expression in sh-NT clone and normalized with respect to GAPDH. Both of the real-time PCR analyses are representative of three independent experiments performed in triplicates. p value was calculated using Student's unpaired t test. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.005; ***, p < 0.0005. Error bars indicate S.D.