The infrared image in (A) shows 24 radial B-scans centered on the ONH (dark green radial lines) acquired relative to the orientation of the FoBMO center axis (green arrow connecting the fovea and the BMO center, -9.5° in this subject). In (B), one horizontal radial B scan shows MRW measurements. MRW (cyan arrow) is the minimum distance between BMO (red dots) and ILM (delineated in red). Each B scan yield 2 BMO points and 2 MRW measurements, in this example a nasal (N) and a temporal (T) measurement. The 3D coordinates of each of the 48 BMO points are used to fit a spline which derives a closed curve representing the BMO area (1.81 mm in this disc). In (C) the 3.5 mm diameter circular scan (light green circle) centered on the ONH was used for RNFLT measurements. (D) Is the corresponding circular B-scan showing the ILM (red) and RNFL (cyan) delineations. MRW and RNFLT measurements were averaged and analyzed globally and in 6 sectors: ST(superotemporal), SN (superonasal), IT (inferotemporal), IN (inferonasal), T (temporal), and N (nasal), in relation to the FoBMO center axis.