Figure 5.
Molecular docking between B. birtlesii TrwJ1, TrwJ2, and TrwL. Three-dimensional models of B. birtlesii TrwJ1, TrwJ2, and the outer membrane parts of TrwL were modeled by the I-TASSER server based on the amino acid sequences (Yang et al., 2015). The best identified structural analogs of both TrwJ1 (C-score of −1.27 and TM-score of 0.74) and TrwJ2 (C-score of −1.45 and TM-score of 0.69) in protein data bank (PDB) are 1R8I, and the outer membrane parts of TrwL (C-score of −3.17 and TM-score of 0.70) in PDB is 4TQL. Molecular docking between B. birtlesii TrwJ1, TrwJ2 and the outer membrane parts of TrwL was analyzed using the ClusPro 2.0 server and visualized by the PyMOL program (Kozakov et al., 2017). The front and vertical view of the docked conformations were shown as B. birtlesii TrwJ1 (green cartoon with semitransparent surface), TrwJ2 (blue cartoon with semitransparent surface), and the outer membrane parts of TrwL (yellow cartoon with semitransparent surface).