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. 2018 Aug 16;13(1):159–169. doi: 10.1038/s41396-018-0260-4

Table 2.

Test statistics for distance-based linear model (DISTLM) analyses marginal and sequential tests based on ‘Forward’ procedure and AIC criteria of V. mediterranei G1 phenotypes abundance at the 11 sampling dates

Variable AIC SS (trace) Pseudo-F P Prop. Cumul. Res.df
Marginal tests
 Phosphate 11291.0 11.953 0.002 0.3741
 Conductivity 9146.6 8.696 0.002 0.3030
 TDN 2788.2 2.035 0.137 0.0924
 Nitrite 4424.8 3.435 0.039 0.1466
 Phaeo a 8055.3 7.280 0.006 0.2669
 Turbidity 1490.9 1.039 0.322 0.0494
 Ammonia 2821.9 2.062 0.138 0.0935
Sequential tests
 +Phosphate 152.62 11291.0 11.953 0.001 0.3741 0.3741 20
 +Conductivity 148.16 4810.1 6.490 0.008 0.1594 0.5335 19
 +TDN 145.80 2530.8 3.944 0.014 0.0838 0.6173 18
 +Nitrite 143.97 1846.0 3.234 0.057 0.0612 0.6785 17
 +Phaeo a 141.94 1624.1 3.216 0.052 0.0538 0.7323 16
 +Turbidity 138.66 1723.3 4.066 0.031 0.0571 0.7894 15
 +Ammonia 135.41 1350.8 3.777 0.032 0.0448 0.8341 14

Marginal tests show how much variation each variable explains when considered alone, ignoring other variables. Sequential tests explain the cumulative variation attributed to each variable fitted to the model in the order specified, taking previous variables into account

TDN total dissolved nitrogen