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. 2018 Dec 19;6:143. doi: 10.1186/s40478-018-0645-7

Table 1.

Preserved tissue and clinical and postmortem records

Group and case ID Sex Age (y) Intellectual deficit Seizures age of onset Cause of death PMI (h) BW (g) Weight loss (%)
A1 F 5 Traumatic injuries 13 1390 52
A2 M 8 Rhabdomysarcoma 22 1570 45
A3 F 11 Mild 4.5 m Seizure-related drowning 13 1460 52
A4 M 13 Severe 2 y Seizure-related 8 1470 39
A5 F 21 Moderate 5 y Seizure related resp. failure 50 1108 43
A6 M 23 Severe 23 y Seizure-related resp. failure 14 1610 60
A7 M 36 Severe Cardiac arrest 24 1480 44
A8 M 52 Heart failure 11 1324 53
A9 M 60 Moderate 3 y Pancreatic cancer 26 1210 38
Mean ± SD 25.4 ± 19.8 21.2 ± 13.6 1402 ± 164 47.3 ± 7.3
C1 F 4 Acute bronchopneumonia 17 1530 49
C2 M 14 Electrocution 20 1464 44
C3 F 15 Traumatic injuries 9 1250 49
C4 F 20 Traumatic injuries 9 1340 52
C5 M 23 Ruptured spleen 6 1520 41
C6 M 29 Traumatic injuries 13 1514 49
C7 M 32 Asphyxia 24 1364 42
C8 M 48 Heart atherosclerosis 24 1412 39
C9 M 52 Heart atherosclerosis 13 1430 48
Mean ± SD 26.3 ± 15.8 15 ± 6.6 1424 ± 94 45.9 ± 4.5

A autism, C control, PMI postmortem interval, h hours; Weight loss, decrease (%) of hemispheric brain sample weight during dehydration in ethyl alcohol; SD standard deviation