Fig. 6.
Cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX on polygalacturonic acid with varying initial glucose concentrations. The strain was grown on glucose (4, 12 and 20 g/L) and polygalacturonic acid (20 g/L) as carbon sources. a Mean value of biological duplicates of oxygen transfer rate. b Mean value of biological duplicates of respiratory quotient. The dotted horizontal line represents RQ = 1. c Predicted residual polygalacturonic acid concentration in the medium (PolyGalAcalc) according to Eq. (6). The RQ drops below 1 after 29 h, indicating depletion of galacturonic acid liberation. Thus, the line for PolyGalAcalc in Fig. 6c is dotted from that time point on. The mean values of biological duplicates are shown for better clarity. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.1 M MOPS and 0.1 M MES, initial pH 6.0, 250 mL flask, filling volume 15 mL, shaking frequency 350 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.6, temperature 30 °C