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. 2018 Dec 19;18:391. doi: 10.1186/s12888-018-1972-8

Table 3.

Predictors of occurrence of Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders, Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder

Dependent variable Independent variables B Standard Error Wald df p Exp(B)
SSDa Neglect −.924 .471 3.844 1 .050 .397
Physical Abuse .869 .403 4.637 1 .031 2.384
Absence of peer confident −.898 .335 7.194 1 .007 .407
Loneliness 1.332 .331 16.215 1 .000 3.790
MDDb Cannabis abuse −2.486 1.044 5.666 1 .017 .083
Serious family tensions .828 .283 8.553 1 .003 2.290
BDc Serious economic difficulties .885 .286 9.613 1 .002 2.424
Absence/separation of mother .974 .416 5.486 1 .019 2.648

Abbreviations: SSD Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorder, MDD Major Depressive Disorder, BD Bipolar Disorder

aModel 1. Dependent variable: SSD; −2log Likelyhood = 283,648, p = <.001

bModel 2. Dependent variable: MMD; − 2log Likelyhood = 337,522; p = <.001

cModel 3. Dependent variable: BD; − 2log Likelyhood = 330,395; p = <.001

The bold P values indicated the statistical significance