Fig. 3.
Correlations between osteogenic lineage differentiation potential and vascular tubule supportive capacity. Clonal hBM MSC CFU-F cultures at p1 were assayed quantitatively for their osteogenic differentiation potential after culture in osteogenic differentiation media, relative to the control non CFU-F selected hBM MSC sample (Control), which was set at 100%. and the correlation between osteogenic and vascular supportive activity assessed. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was calculated for all three bone marrow donor aspirates. The red circles are CFU-F clones that were used for cell sorting and RNAseq analyses. There was a moderate positive relationship between the vascular tubule supportive function and the osteogenic potential for all CFU-F clones when these were assessed quantitatively (p [two tailed] < 0.0001; n = 133 clones)