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. 2018 Dec 19;13(12):e0209347. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209347

Table 2. Univariable logistic regression analysis of covariates for postoperative pulmonary complications after laparoscopic gastric or colorectal cancer surgery.

Variables Odds Ratio (95% CIa) P–value
Sex: male 0.62 (0.40–0.95) 0.028
Age, year 1.02 (1.01–1.04) 0.006
Body mass index, kg m–2 0.90 (0.94–1.06) 0.895
Comorbidities at surgery
ASA classification
1 1 (0.174)
2 1.56 (0.97–2.52) 0.066
≥ 3 1.56 (0.73–3.34) 0.251
Charlson comorbidity index
≥ 3 (vs 0–2) 1.31 (0.89–1.94) 0.173
Asthma 1.12 (0.32–3.85) 0.863
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1.22 (0.27–5.56) 0.800
Characteristics of surgery
Type of surgery
Colon or rectum 1 (<0.001)
Gastric 2.79 (1.87–4.17) <0.001
Surgery time, min 1.01 (1.00–1.01) <0.001
Intraoperative peak airway pressure
Mean value, cm H2O 0.97 (0.93–1.01) 0.180
Maximum value, cm H2O 0.97 (0.94–1.01) 0.101
Intraoperative total fluid input, L 1.22 (1.01–1.67) 0.035
Intraoperative packed RBC transfusion 2.47 (1.60–3.82) <0.001
Postoperative ICU admission 1.24 (0.68–2.28) 0.482
Year of surgery
2010–2012 1 (0.270)
2013–2015 0.90 (0.59–1.36) 0.613
2016–2017 0.60 (0.33–1.11) 0.106
Preoperative spirometry test
Preoperative FEV1 (%) 0.99 (0.98–1.00) 0.002
Preoperative FVC (%) 0.98 (0.97–0.99) 0.001
Preoperative FEV1/FVC (%) 0.98 (0.97–1.00) 0.105

All covariates of P < 0.1 in univariable logistic regression analysis were included in multivariable logistic regression analysis.

aCI, Confidence interval; ASA, American society of anesthesiologists; RBC, Red blood cell; ICU, Intensive care unit.