Figure 2.
DALYs (undiscounted; A), deaths (undiscounted; B), cost per DALYs averted (discounted; C), and cost per death averted (discounted; D) from 2020 to 2035 under the modelled scenarios
Estimated outcomes presented with 95% PIs. Estimates do not include costs of dog vaccinations and only show the cost-effectiveness of PEP incremental to dog vaccination. Costs of IBCM are assumed to be covered by introductory grants (together with improved PEP access). Modelling assumptions are shown in panel and results in appendix. Only the base case is shown for scenario 2—ie, scenario 2a base case. DALYs=disability-adjusted life-years. IBCM=integrated bite case management. PEP=post-exposure prophylaxis. PI=prediction interval. RIG=rabies immunoglobulin. S=scenario. Vax=vaccination.