Differential deterioration of structural connectome network topology in mild and moderate CIND. Top: Compared to NCI, moderate CIND group had reduced nodal degree centrality and efficiency in the DN, SN, SMN, and CN as well as the thalamus. Middle: Compared to mild CIND, moderate CIND had reduced nodal degree centrality and efficiency in the salience network. Bottom: Compared to NCI, mild CIND showed increased nodal degree centrality in the dorsal attention network. At each row, compared to group B, increase in group A is highlighted in orange color and decrease in group A is highlighted in blue color (p < 0.01). Brain networks were visualized with the BrainNet Viewer (Xia et al., 2013). mod., moderate; THA, thalamus; DN-A_PFCd, default mode network part A, prefrontal cortex dorsal; CN-B_Temp, control network part B, temporal region; SMN-B_Cent, somatomotor network part B, central; SVAN-B_PFCv, salience/ventral attention network part B, prefrontal cortex ventral; DN-B_PFCv, default mode network part B, prefrontal cortex ventral; SVAN-A_INS, salience/ventral attention network part A, insula; SVAN-B_PFCl, salience/ventral attention network part B, prefrontal cortex lateral; DAN-A_SPL, dorsal attention network part A, superior parietal lobule; l, left; r, right.