Figure 5.
Stronger structural-functional coupling in moderate CIND compared to controls related with poorer cognitive performance. (A) Group-level coupling: For each of the three groups (NCI, mild CIND, and moderate CIND), correlations between the functional connectomic (FC) and structural connectomic (SC) strengths across all edges (constrained by non-zero SC edges only) were calculated based on the group-level mean connectivity matrix between the 126 regions of interests. All groups showed significant SC-FC coupling across brain connections. Interestingly, the coupling strength was higher in moderate CIND than NCI while mild CIND was intermediate between the two. (B) Individual-level coupling: For each participant, we calculated the SC-FC coupling strength across all brain connections (constrained by non-zeros SC edges only). Moderate CIND (but not mild CIND) showed stronger SC-FC coupling than NCI (denoted by *p < 0.05). (C) Across all participants, higher SC-FC coupling was related to poorer visual memory (represented in standard residual z-scores, controlling for age, gender, and handedness, i.e., partial correlation) (p < 0.05, with Bonferroni correction for cognitive domains). There was also a trend for executive function and visuoconstruction (p < 0.05).