a) Representative currents obtained after applying depolarizing pulses to inside-out patches expressing BK667CYα (left) or BK667CYα + β3b channels, in the presence of 12 μM Ca
2+. (
b) Left panel, G-V curves obtained at several Ca
2+concentrations after co-expression of BK667CY with β3b subunits, inducing no appreciable changes in the
E-V curves obtained simultaneously (right). Note that when β3b is co-expressed with the BK667CY construct, the kinetics of inactivation are different than those observed with wild-type BK channels (
Xia et al., 2000). At first glance, it appears as if the off rate of inactivation is largely increased. Note also that there is a substantial current reduction at the tails as blockade increased with very positive potentials, which is not observed with wild-type BK channels. The simplest interpretation is that the insertion of the fluorescent protein interferes with the kinetics of blockade mediated by the β3b NH2-terminal region (
Lingle et al., 2001). Understanding this discrepancy will require further study.