Figure 3.
RNF138 level determines cisplatin-induced cell apoptosis. (A, B) Percentage of apoptosis was detected in AGS (A) and SGC7901 (B) cells transfected with control vector or RNF138 with or without cisplatin treatment. Early apoptotic cells can be seen in the bottom right quadrant, late apoptotic cells can be seen in the top right quadrant, and the sum is the total apoptosis. The normalized ratio of apoptosis assay is shown in the histogram. (C, D) Cell apoptosis percentages of AGS/DDP and SGC7901/DDP cells transfected with control or siRNF138 combined with cisplatin treatment were detected. The normalized ratio of apoptosis assay was shown in the histogram and error bars represent SD. Statistically significant differences are shown by *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01.