CaMKII (A) and ΔFosB (B) positive cell count in nucleus accumbens (nAc). We found no significant differences in CaMKII expression in the nAc (A). ΔFosB cell counts showed a significant reduction in nAc in SH rats as compared to Wistar, this reduction was reversed following noise (B; SHS vs WIS (p = 0.050); vs SHN (p = 0.023). The white dotted line indicated in the WIS images represents the regions of analysis for the corresponding area. The inserts represent a 9x magnification of the area indicated by the solid white square. The contrast has been slightly enhanced equally in all inserts for viewing purposes. The white scale bar in the SHM images represent 250 μm. Wistar-silence (WIS), Wistar-noise (WIN), SH-silence (SHS, SH-noise (SHN), SH-methylphenidate (SHM). (*) indicate significant between group post-hoc tests. Cell count values represent Mean ± SD. Processed images of the analysis of CaMKII and ΔFosB can be found as supplementary Fig. 1.