Representative chromatograms illustrating the detection of bisretinoid lipofuscin pigments in RCS rat eyecups.
A, posterior eyecups from albino dystrophic RCS rats and control rats (RCS-rdy+) were analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC with a C4 column and monitoring at 430 nm (age 2 months). Compounds were identified on the basis of UV-visible absorbance and retention times recorded using authentic standards. Detection of A2E (Rt = 4.2 min), iso-A2E (Rt = 5.3 min), atRAL dimer (Rt = 11.8 min), and A2PE (Rt = 23.2 min). B, UPLC analysis of eyecups obtained from pigmented RCS rats and WT Long Evans rats (430-nm monitoring; age 2 months; detection of A2GPE (Rt = 37.0 min), atRAL dimer (Rt = 60.2 min), and A2PE (Rt = 94.3 min)). Insets (top), UV-visible absorbance spectra of chromatographic peaks corresponding to bisretinoids. mAU, milli-absorbance units.