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. 2018 Nov 28;32(1):e00064-18. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00064-18


Characteristics of major viral load assays intended for use at POC or near POC sitesa

Manufacturer and trade name Targeted virus(es)b HIV-1 VL range (copies/ml)c TAT Plasma vol (µl) Cold chain needed Reference(s)
Alere q HIV-1/2 VL plasma HIV-1, -2 NA 1 h 50 No 233
SAMBA Semi-Q HIV-1 1,000 (cutoff) 1.5 h 200 No 227, 228
Cavidi Ziva HIV-1, -2 200–6 × 105 2 days 200–1,000 Yes 210, 211
Cepheid GeneXpert HIV-1 40–107 1.5 h 1,000 No 234
Roche Liat HIV-1, -2 57–1.5 × 106 0.5 h 150 Yes 231, 232

Abbreviations: TAT, turnaround time from blood draw to VL report; NA, information not available.


Although HIV-1 and -2 are detected in three assays, they do not yield discrete VL for HIV-1 and -2.


The HIV-2 detection range of the Roche Liat and Alere q platforms have not been specified by the manufacturers.