Figure 1.
Circulating PBL numbers in healthy adults and adults with varying stages of CKD. Absolute numbers of the three major PBL subtypes were quantified by flow cytometry in blood samples from 187 adults with No CKD (n = 33) and CKD 1-5 (n = 154). (A) Specific CD45+ PBL subpopulations were identified based on side scatter characteristics and surface expression of CD14. Representative gating strategy used for the identification and quantification of (B) monocyte, (C) lymphocyte, and (D) neutrophil numbers per mL of whole blood. Graphs illustrate the median, IQR, and upper and lower limit for each leukocyte subtype for No CKD and CKD groups (box and whisker plots) with data-points for individual subjects superimposed (triangles). Statistical comparisons performed using Mann-Whitney U-test. ns p > 0.05, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001.