White hat (information) |
Focusing on facts and information about flipped classroom approach |
Administrating a quasi-experiment to compare flipped classroom and traditional classroom (Bhagat et al. 2016); describing the types of out-of-class and in-class activities of flipped classroom approach (DeLozier and Rhodes 2016) |
Red hat (feelings) |
Considering students’ emotions and feelings of flipped courses |
Investigating student engagement and course satisfaction of flipped courses (Gilboy et al. 2015; Gross et al. 2015) |
Blue hat (thinking about thought) |
Thinking about the thoughts required in flipped classroom approach |
Discussing the pedagogies and theories that can be applied in flipped classroom approach (Bishop and Verleger 2013; Abeysekera and Dawson 2015) |
Green hat (creative) |
Integrating new elements into flipped classroom approach |
Attempting to use student-created digital videos (Engin 2014) or mobile-assisted learning system (Wang 2016) in flipped courses |
Black hat (challenges) |
Focusing on the challenges of using flipped classroom approach |
Identifying challenges of implementing flipped classrooms in nursing education, such as more lecture preparation efforts were required (Betihavas et al. 2016) |
Yellow hat (constructive) |
Constructing design guidelines for flipped classroom approach |
Proposing design principles or guidelines for flipped classroom approach, such as providing an incentive for students to prepare for class (Kim et al. 2014) |