falciparumandP. vivaxmalaria. (A) Expression of CR1, CD55, CD59, and CD47 was compared between uninfected RBCs and infected RBCs (SYBR Green positive) from P. falciparum malaria (CR1, n = 70; CD55, n = 70; CD59, n = 69; CD47, n = 69). Wilcoxon signed-ranked test is indicated. (B) Expression of CR1, CD55, CD59, and CD47 was compared using the in vitro P. falciparum D10-GFP model on RBCs from healthy naive volunteers (n = 8, tested in duplicates). iRBCs, infected RBCs; uRBCs, uninfected RBCs. (C) Expression of CR1, CD55, CD59, and CD47 was compared between uninfected RBCs and infected RBCs (SYBR Green positive) from P. vivax malaria (CR1, n = 16; CD55, n = 16; CD59, n = 16; CD47, n = 16). Wilcoxon signed-ranked test is indicated. Lower and upper hinges represent first and third quartiles, and whisker lines correspond to highest and lowest values no further than 1.5 interquartile range from the hinges. Data beyond the whisker lines are treated as outliers. Median line is indicated across the box. CRPs, complement regulatory proteins.