Ferret E33 neocortex was electroporated
in utero with a plasmid encoding a fluorescent protein (FP) together with either a plasmid encoding ARHGAP11B or empty vector (Control), followed by analysis at E40/P0. (
A) Double immunofluorescence for FP (green) and PCNA (magenta), combined with DAPI staining (white). Images are single optical sections. Scale bars, 100 μm. See also
Figure 1A. (
B) Quantification of FP+ neural progenitors, as revealed by PCNA immunofluorescence, in a 200 µm-wide field in the total SVZ (left), ISVZ (middle) and OSVZ (right), upon control (white) and ARHGAP11B (black) electroporations. Data are the mean of 4 experiments. Error bars indicate SD; **, p <0.01; *, p <0.05; Student's
t-test. (
C) Quantification of FP– neural progenitors, as revealed by PCNA+ immunofluorescence, in a 200 µm-wide field in the total SVZ (left), ISVZ (middle) and OSVZ (right), of embryos subjected to control (white) and ARHGAP11B (black) electroporations. Data are the mean of 4 experiments. Error bars indicate SD; n.s., not statistically significant; Student's
t-test. (
D) Quantitative analysis of BP morphology at mitosis (PhVim+ cells in the SVZ), as determined by the presence (radial, green) or absence (nonpolar, yellow) of PhVim+ radial processes, in non-electroporated (FP–), control-electroporated (Con) and ARHGAP11B-electroporated (11B) embryos. Data are the mean of 4 experiments. Error bars indicate SD; n.s., not statistically significant; two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc tests (Radial; Con vs. 11B, p = 0.14; FP– vs. 11B, p >0.99; Con vs. FP–, p =0.059). (
E) Quantification of FP– mitotic cells, as revealed by PhVim immunofluorescence, in a 200 µm-wide field of the cortical wall of embryos subjected to control (white) and ARHGAP11B (black) electroporations. Apical, mitoses lining the ventricular surface; basal, mitoses away from the ventricle (Abv.VZ, abventricular VZ; ISVZ; OSVZ). Data are the mean of 4 experiments. Error bars indicate SD; n.s., not statistically significant; Student's
t-test. (
F) Quantification of the thickness of VZ (left), ISVZ (middle) and OSVZ (right), upon control (white circles) and ARHGAP11B (black circles) electroporations. Data are the mean of 4 experiments. Error bars indicate SD; n.s., not statistically significant; Student's