Table 7.
Mycorrhizal dependency (MD)* of several parameters of damask rose plants grown under different irrigation-stressed conditions.
Parameters | 100% FC | 25% FC |
No. of leaves | 35.50b | 75.35a |
Water potential | 6.58b | 16.24a |
Total pigments | 11.34b | 20.75a |
N | 15.22b | 28.32a |
P | 16.01b | 38.69a |
K | 17.81b | 25.98a |
Values in each row followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05.
FC: Field capacity.
MD = [(M − NM)/NM] × 100, where M is parameter value of mycorrhizal plants and NM is parameter value of non-mycorrhizal plants.