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. 2018 Dec 18;49(6):1062–1076.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.09.018

Anti-mouse MRP14 (clone 2B10) Gift from Dr N. Hogg (Cancer Research UK UK) (Hobbs et al., 2003) NA
Anti-mouse α-SMA (clone 1A4) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A5228; RRID: AB_262054
Anti-mouse CD31 (clone 390) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#16-0311-85; RRID: AB_468933
Anti-mouse VE-Cadherin (clone eBioBV14) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#14-1442-85; RRID: AB_891373
Anti-mouse ACKR1 (clone 6B7) (Thiriot et al., 2017) NA
Anti-mouse PDGFR-β (polyclonal) R&D Systems Cat#AF1042; RRID: AB_2162633
Anti-mouse NG2 (polyclonal) Millipore Cat#AB5320; RRID: AB_91789
Blocking anti-mouse CXCL1 (clone 48415) R&D Systems Cat#MAB453; RRID: AB_2087696
Blocking anti-mouse CXCL2 (clone 40605) R&D Systems Cat#MAB452; RRID: AB_2230058
Anti-mouse CXCL1 (polyclonal) R&D Systems Cat#AF-453-NA; RRID: AB_354495
Anti-mouse CXCL2 (polyclonal) R&D Systems Cat#AF-452-NA; RRID: AB_2086326
Blocking anti-mouse CXCL5 (clone 61905) R&D Systems Cat#MAB433; RRID: AB_2086587
Blocking anti-mouse MIF (clone CT 1C10) Gift from Dr C. Weber (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany) NA
Blocking anti-mouse CXCR2 (clone 242216) R&D Systems Cat#MAB2164; RRID: AB_358062
Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse CXCR2 (clone SA044G4) Biolegend Cat#149306; RRID: AB_2565694
Pacific Blue anti-mouse CD45 (clone 30-F11) Biolegend Cat#103126; RRID: AB_493535
Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse Ly6G (clone 1A8) Biolegend Cat#127610; RRID: AB_1134159
PE anti-mouse CD115 (clone AFS98) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#12-1152-83: RRID: AB_465809
Anti-pan-AKT (polyclonal) Cell Signaling Technology Cat#9272; RRID: AB_329827
Anti-phospho-AKT (clone D9E) Cell Signaling Technology Cat#4060; RRID: AB_2315049

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

BSA, low endotoxin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A9543
Bovine collagen type I Advanced Biomatrix Cat#5005
DMEM, low glucose Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#11885084
Fluo-4, AM, cell permeant Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#F14201
HALT protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#78440
LPS Sigma-Aldrich Cat#L4391
LTB4 Cayman Chemical Cat#20110
Pluronic F-127 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#P3000MP
Probenecid, water soluble Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#P36400
Recombinant human PEDF Sigma-Aldrich Cat#SRP4988
Recombinant murine CXCL1 Preprotech Cat#250-11
Recombinant murine CXCL2 Preprotech Cat#250-15
Recombinant human ICAM-1 R&D Systems Cat#ADP4-050
Recombinant murine IL-1β R&D Systems Cat#401-ML-005/CF
Recombinant murine TNF-α aa 80-235 R&D Systems Cat#410-MT-010/CF
3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine substrate solution Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#00-4201-56

Critical Commercial Assays

Alexa Fluor 488 antibody labeling kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A20181
Alexa Fluor 555 antibody labeling kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A20187
Alexa Fluor 647 antibody labeling kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A20186
DyLight 405 antibody labeling kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#53021
iQ SYBR Green supermix Biorad Cat#1708880
Neutrophil isolation kit (mouse) Miltenyi Biotec Cat#130-097-658
Quantikine ELISA mouse CXCL1 R&D Systems Cat#MKC00B
Quantikine ELISA mouse CXCL2 R&D Systems Cat#MM200
RNAscope fluorescent multiplex assay Advanced Cell Diagnostics Cat#320851

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

Mouse, Ackr1−/− (Dawson et al., 2000) NA
Mouse, Acta2-RFPcherry-Tg Gift from Dr D. Rowe (University of Connecticut Health Center, US) (Proebstl et al., 2012) NA
Mouse, Lyz2-EGFP-ki;Acta2-RFPcherry-Tg (Proebstl et al., 2012) NA
Mouse, Cxcl2−/− The Jackson Laboratory JAX 029557
Mouse, Cxcr2−/− (Cacalano et al., 1994) NA
Mouse, C57BL/6 Charles River Laboratories JAX 000664
Mouse, Lyz2-EGFP-ki Gift from Dr M. Sperandio (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany) (Faust et al., 2000) NA


mRNA probe: Pecam1-C3 Advanced Cell Diagnostics Cat#316721-C3
mRNA probe: Acta2-C2 Advanced Cell Diagnostics Cat#319531-C2
mRNA probe: Cxcl1-C1 Advanced Cell Diagnostics Cat#407721
mRNA probe: Cxcl2-C1 Advanced Cell Diagnostics Cat#437581
Real-time PCR primer: Gapdh forward
This paper NA
Real-time PCR primer: Gapdh reverse
This paper NA
Real-time PCR primer: Cxcl1 forward
This paper NA
Real-time PCR primer: Cxcl1 reverse
This paper NA
Real-time PCR primer: Cxcl2 forward
This paper NA
Real-time PCR primer: Cxcl2 reverse
This paper NA

Software and Algorithms

Chemotaxis and migration tool v2.0 IBIDI
FlowJo v10.2 Tree Star
ImageJ 1.49 NIH
Imaris v8 Bitplane
Prism v6.05 GraphPad


Corning Transwell inserts Sigma-Aldrich Cat#CLS3415-48EA
123count eBeads™ counting beads Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#01-1234-42