Figure 1.
emx1 is dynamically expressed during zebrafish pronephros ontogeny. (A) The renal progenitor field is patterned into a segmented pronephros with the following 8 regions: P, podocytes; N, neck; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule; PST, proximal straight tubule; DE, distal early; CS, corpuscle of Stannius; DL, distal late; PD, pronephric duct. (B) WISH in WT embryos for emx1 (purple) and smyhc1 (red) between 5 ss and 28 ss. Blue lines and boxes indicate domains of pronephros expression. Scale bar = 100 μm. (C) Summary of the emx1 expression domain during nephrogenesis, where IM designates the intermediate mesoderm renal progenitors, and PM designates paraxial mesoderm. (D) FISH analysis of emx1, mecom, tbx2a, and tbx2b in the distal pronephros. Yellow boxes demarcate areas shown in insets. Scale bar = 50 μm.