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. 2018 Dec 16;8(12):e025073. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025073

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies and quality assessment

Author Aim Country (region) Resource Setting Number of participants Type of participant Method Quality assessment
Melman et al 47 To explore barriers and facilitators for delivering optimal care as described in clinical practice guidelines. The Netherlands (European) High Rural and urban 30 Obstetricians and midwives Telephone interviews and focus groups B
Foureur et al 66 To explore the views and experiences of providers in caring for women considering VBAC. Australia (Western Pacific) High Urban 18 Obstetricians and midwives Semistructured interviews B
Lundgren et al 65 To explore the views of clinicians from countries with low VBAC rates on factors of importance for improving VBAC rates. Ireland, Italy and Germany (European) High Rural and urban 71 Obstetricians, midwives, neonatologist and GP. Focus groups A−
Lundgren et al 64 To investigate the views of clinicians working in countries with high VBAC rates on factors of importance for improving VBAC rates. Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands (European) High Rural and urban 44 Obstetricians and midwives Interviews and focus groups A−
Litorp et al 63 To explore obstetric caregivers’ rationales for their hospital’s CS rate to identify factors that might cause CS overuse. Tanzania (African) Low Urban 32 Obstetricians and midwives Observation, interviews and focus groups A
Marshall et al 62 To evaluate the ‘Focus on Normal Birth and Reducing Caesarean section Rates’ programme. UK (European) High Rural and urban 16 Obstetricians and midwives Semistructured interviews B
Colomar et al 61 To assess opinions of the determinants of the high rate of caesarean births in Nicaragua as well as possible barriers to and facilitators of optimal caesarean birth rates. Nicaragua (Americas) Middle Unclear 17 Doctors and obstetric decision makers Focus groups A
Lofti60 To explore effective strategies to reduce caesarean delivery rates in Iran. Iran (Eastern Mediterranean) Middle Unclear 10 Obstetricians and midwives Semistructured interviews C
Dunn et al 59 To reduce high rates of ERCS <39 weeks across the Eastern Ontario region. Canada (Americas) High Unclear 9 Nursing cirectors and managers Key informant interviews C
Wang and Ding46 To explore reasons for obstetric medical staff choosing CS for themselves in the absence of medical indication. China (Western Pacific) Middle Urban 11 Health professionals Semistructured interviews C
Liu et al 45 To explore affecting factors of continuing increase in CS rate in rural area. China (Western Pacific) Middle Rural 9 Health professionals Focus groups C
Cox58 To explore the barriers associated with the ACOG VBAC guidelines. USA (Americas) High Rural and urban 24 Obstetricians, midwives and an administrator Semistructured interviews A-
Yazdizadeh et al 57 To identify barriers to reduce the CS rate in Iran, as perceived by obstetricians and midwives as the main behavioural change target groups. Iran (Eastern Mediterranean) Middle Urban 26 Hospital directors, obstetricians and midwives In-depth interviews A−
Wanyonyi et al 56 To determine perceptions on the practice of VBAC among maternity service providers in East Africa and possible solutions (including acceptability of evidence, guidelines, and audit). Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia (African) Low Unclear 63 Doctors and midwives Semistructured questionnaire C−
Chen et al 44 To explore informed choice and autonomy of uterine-incision delivery making in China. China (Western Pacific) Middle Urban 51 Health professionals In-depth interviews D
Chaillet and Dumont39 To investigate obstetricians perceptions of clinical practice guidelines and to identify the barriers to, facilitators of, and obstetricians’ solutions for implementing these guidelines in practice. Canada (Americas) High Urban 27 Obstetricians Focus groups and semistructured interviews C
Kamal et al 54 To explore the views of health professionals on the factors influencing repeat CS. UK (European) High Urban 25 Doctors and midwives Semistructured interviews A

ACOG, American College of Obstetrician and Genecologists; CS, caesarean section; ERCS, elective repeat caesarean section; GP, general practitioner; VBAC, vaginal birth after caesarean.