Table 2.
• Medic Mobile team visited each site to get a sense of current cancer screening activities and their strengths and weaknesses, the effectiveness of the activities and the challenges faced |
• Through in-depth interviews, role playing, and shadowing, the team gained an understanding of the workflow for screening activities – and defined ‘user personas’ (a representation of who a user is, and what their behaviours are) – for CHWs, nurses, and program coordinators) |
• Assessed the feasibility of using mobile technology within the existing infrastructure (physical and personnel), taking into account user-related considerations |
• Assessment of existing mobile networks at each site and extent of mobile phone ownership |
• Feature phones loaded with a configured SIM card application and provided to the chws at each site |
• Conducted mHealth training workshops |
• Prototype tested at a pilot ‘screening camp’ to test the platform in a ‘real world’ setting, and gauge training gaps among the staff |
• SIM application configured to support specific data collection forms, allowing users to report on each type of activity |
CHW – community health worker