Demonstration that miR-185 targets CSF1. Splenic T cells were transfected with MOCK (all transfection reagents without miR-185 mimic) or with mature miR-185 or anti-miR-185 or miR-185+anti-miR-185 (1:10 concentration). Forty-eight hours post-transfection, the cells were activated with SEB and treated with VEH or RES for 24 h. Expression of (A) miR-185 and CSF1 (B) genes was determined by performing Real-Time PCR. Data of Real-Time PCR are presented as fold change in expression relative to internal control (SNORD96a) for miR-185 or 18S for CSF1 gene. Data are depicted as mean ± SEM of three independent experiments and asterisks (∗) indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05) difference between groups compared.