Fig. 2.
The natural log of Rubisco parameters from Arabidopsis thaliana measured using radiolabel (single point, open circle; curve fit, black circle) and MIMS (gray circle) methods are plotted against the inverse of the temperature in Kelvin offset to a y-intercept of 25 °C. The temperature response of catalytic turnover for CO2 (kcatCO2, s−1, A) and O2 (kcatO2, s−1, B), and the Michaelis–Menten constant for CO2 (KC, Pa, C) and O2 (KO, kPa, D) are shown. The lines represent the model fit to the measured data. The radiolabel kcatO2 model in (B) was determined from the relationship with SC/O described by Equation 4.