Fig. 7.
Positive effect of DA-6 on the transcription of several key genes which are involved in hydrolysis of triacylglycerol in aged soybean seeds during imbibition. Gene expression was investigated by qPCR assay during the course of the imbibition process. Different types of soybean seeds (CDT seeds with H2O and CDT seeds with DA-6 treatment) were employed. These different types of soybean seeds were employed for mRNA extraction, and three replications were performed. GmSDP6 and GmSDP1 encode FAD-G3P dehydrogenase and patatin-like domain-containing triacylglycerol lipase, and GmACX2 and GmPCK1 encode acyl-CoA oxidase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, respectively. Those genes are all involved in the pathways by which the triacylglycerol was transferred to fatty acids and sugars during imbibition. (A) GmSDP1; (B) GmSDP6; (C) GmACX2; (D) GmPCK1; (E) GmMFP2; (F) GmMDAR4; (G) GmCOMATOSE. Asterisks (*) and (**) indicate a significant difference at P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively, by Student’s t-test analysis. A 200 μM concentration of exogenous DA-6 was used.