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. 2018 Nov 1;7:1734. [Version 1] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.16680.1

Table 1. Functions included within the ranacapa package.

Name Description
scrub_seqNum_column Removes any "xxx_seq_number" columns from the input taxonomy file if present
(depends on which version of Anacapa was used to assign taxonomy)
scrub_taxon_paths Replaces empty cells in input taxonomy tables with “Unknown”
validate_input_files Verifies that the input taxonomy file and input mapping file meet specifications
convert_biom_to_taxon_table Converts a phyloseq-imported biom table into an Anacapa-formatted taxonomy
group_anacapa_by_taxonomy Summarizes a site-abundance table from the Anacapa pipeline to each unique
categorize_continuous_vector Categorizes a continuous vector into low, medium, and high
convert_anacapa_to_phyloseq Converts a site-abundance table from the Anacapa pipeline and the associated
metadata file into a phyloseq object
vegan_otu Creates a community matrix in the vegan package style using a phyloseq object
and an otu_table object
custom_rarefaction Rarefies a phyloseq object to a custom sample depth and with a given number of
pairwise_adonis 1 Wrapper function for multilevel pairwise comparison
ggrare 2 Makes a rarefaction curve using ggplot2
runRanacapaApp Runs the ranacapa Shiny app with tabs for interactive visualizations and statistical