Figure 2.
MLC901 reduced the increase in CNS-associated phagocytes induced by focal 60-min ischemia in mouse brains. (A) Representative bivariate dot plots of Percoll isolated brain cells illustrating on the identification of microglia (CD11b+/CD45low+), CNS-associated phagocytes (CD11b+/CD45high+) and immune cells (CD11b−/CD45high+). (B) Histograms of average percentage of CNS- associated phagocytes (left) and microglia (right) in live single immune cells from reperfused (R) or not reperfused (NR) brains of mice submitted to 60-min focal ischemia and treated with vehicle (black bars) or MLC901 (ip injection, 40 μg/kg) (n = 6 to 10 per experimental group) and sacrificed 24 hours after MCAO. Data are reported as mean ± SEM. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus sham-operated group and $$P < 0.01, $$$P < 0.001 versus vehicle ischemic group, #P < 0.05 versus non-reperfused MLC901-group (Kruskal-Wallis test, H(4,54) = 35.39).