Figure 5.
Robustness to parameter variations. (A) Raster plot of the encoding mode of the sequence encoding module with 6 patterns. The size of ensembles Bi and IC are doubled, while the connection probability is halved (alternatively, one can half all corresponding weight parameters). This shows that the size of each ensemble is not important for the model to work. (B) Analogous to (A) but now the replay mode is shown. Again each ensemble size is doubled. (C) Raster plot of the encoding mode of the sequence encoding module, with an alternative parameter set (see Table 6). This shows that the choice of parameters we used is not unique. Instead, as long as the conditions on the gain functions are satisfied, there is a large range of weight parameters where the model performs as expected. (D) Raster plot of the replay mode using the alternative parameter set (see Table 6).