Figure 1.
Physicochemical properties of Ptx-loaded SPIONs.
Notes: (A) Hydrodynamic diameter of Ptx-loaded and unloaded particles in water and different cell culture media. (B) Dialysis-based release kinetics of SPION-adsorbed Ptx compared with free Ptx. (C, D) ζ potential as a function of pH in SPIONLA-HSA and SPIONLA-HSA-Ptx during (C) forward titration and (D) backward titration. (E) Magnetization curves showing the M(H) data of SPIONLA-HSA and SPIONLA-HSA-Ptx. (F) AC susceptibility spectra of SPIONLA-HSA and SPIONLA-HSA-Ptx. (G, H) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra of (G) SPIONLA-HSA, SPIONLA-HSA-Ptx, and (H) free Ptx. (I) Stability of SPIONLA-HSA and SPIONLA-HSA-Ptx in human blood. SPIONs coated with lauric acid and aminated human serum albumin (SPIONLA-HSA-NH2) were used as a positive control for nonstable particles. Negative control = corresponding amount of H2O instead of water-based ferrofluid. Representative images were recorded using optical bright-field microscopy.
Abbreviations: DMEM, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; FBS, fetal bovine serum; H, applied magnetic field; M φ, magnetization; Ptx, paclitaxel; RPMI, Roswell Park Memorial Institute; SPION, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles; SPIONLA-HSA, lauric acid- and human serum albumin-coated SPIONs; SPIONLA-HSA-NH2, lauric acid- and aminated human serum albumin-coated SPIONs; SPIONLA-HSA-Ptx, SPIONLA-HSA functionalized with Ptx; Xi, real part of the magnetic susceptibility; Xii, imaginary part of the magnetic susceptibility.