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. 2017 Nov 28;40(4):848–857. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdx156

Table 2.

Regression outputs—relationship between total population access to Level I or II trauma centers within 45 min by ground in 2010 and adult injury-related mortality in 2010

Model Variable Standardized coefficient P-value Confidence intervals Adj. R-squared
Simple Access to Level I or II Centers −0.687 <0.001 −73.506 to −38.942 0.460
Bivariate with % African American (2010)10 Access to Level I or II Centers −0.686 <0.001 −73.983 to −38.320 0.449
% Af. Am. 0.004 0.967 −37.720 to 39.289
Bivariate with % ages 18–44 (2010)11 Access to Level I or II Centers −0.617 <0.001 −68.377 to −32.665 0.489
% Ages 18–44 −0.208 0.061 −386.315–8.985
Bivariate with %
College-Education (2007)12
Access to Level I or II Centers −0.299 0.011 −43.024 to −6.006 0.651
% College-educated −0.586 <0.001 −269.504 to −119.574
Bivariate with GDP (current dollar, 2012)13 Access to Level I or II Centers −0.575 <0.001 −67.342 to −26.978 0.490
GDP −0.214 0.087 −10.991 to 0.772
Bivariate with %
Non-White (2010)14
Access to Level I or II Centers −0.663 <0.001 −72.897 to −35.733 0.453
% Non-White −0.067 0.557 −40.119 to 21.892
Bivariate with population density (2010)15 Access to Level I or II Centers −0.605 <0.001 −69.107 to −30.036 0.471
Population density −0.168 0.162 −0.024 to 0.004
Bivariate with %
uninsured (2012)16
Access to Level I or II Centers −0.634 <0.001 −69.286 to −34.528 0.490
% Uninsured 0.207 0.056 −2.082 to 153.604