Fig 3. X-ray projections of the center of the shell of Marginopora spp.
A) M. rossi (RGM.1352064) with the deuteroconch (d) completely enveloping the protoconch (p) and flexostyle (f), B) M. charlottensis nov. spec. (RGM.1352050); C) M. vertebralis (RGM.1352105); D) M. orpheusensis nov. spec. (RGM.1352059); E) M. santoensis nov. spec. (RGM.1352122); F) M. charlottensis nov. spec. (RGM.1352055). Especially in the populations with larger deuteroconchs, irregularly shaped deuteroconchs are frequent, resulting in more variance in the deuteroconch diameters. Scale bar 500μm.