Fig 14. Micro-computed tomography of Marginopora orpheusensis nov. spec with the shell removed, showing the interseptal space.
A) the 40th chamber of specimen RGM.1352060 showing that a single stack of chamberlets (s) splits into two stacks of chamberlets at least for part of the chamber length, chamberlet height is 0.6 mm) and B) the 37th (green), 38th (red), 39th (yellow) and 40th (blue) chamber of specimen G466208 showing the horizontal doubling of the interseptal space of chamber 39. Note the single double length marginal chamber in the 38th chamber, accompanied by a partial fusion of the annular passages in chamber 37 and 38, suggesting that these chambers combined might be a single growth increment. Chamberlet height is 0.6 mm.