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. 2018 Oct 23;6(4):115. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy6040115

Table 2.

Personal and professional reflections and attitudes towards pharmacogenomics and personal genotyping. The number and percent of individuals who agree or strongly agree with the survey question are represented within the table below.

Survey Question Pre-Intervention (n = 222) Paired Subset (n = 69) Genotyped (n = 38) Non-Genotyped (n = 31) Genotyped vs. Non-Genotyped Post
Pre Post p Value Pre Post p Value Pre Post p Value p Value
The information from a pharmacogenomic test may improve the way my medication treatment is currently managed. 187 (84%) 19 (28%) 52 (75%) 0.0473 34 (89%) 29 (76%) 0.0644 26 (84%) 23 (72%) 0.513 0.3541
The information from a pharmacogenomic test may improve the way my medication treatment will be managed in the future. 204 (92%) 66 (95%) 61 (88%) 0.1035 37 (97%) 36 (95%) 0.8167 29 (93%) 25 (81%) 0.109 0.0094
Pharmacogenomics is useful in managing drug therapy. 185 (83%) 59 (86%) 56 (81%) 0.4721 31 (82%) 32 (84%) 0.9528 28 (90%) 24 (77%) 0.292 0.5922
I am confident in my ability to understand the results of pharmacogenomic testing. 113 (51%) 28 (41%) 30 (43%) 0.4911 15 (39%) 20 (53%) 0.1102 13 (42%) 10 (32%) 0.478 0.1098
I am familiar with pharmacogenomic resources (e.g., guidelines) for use in the clinical setting. 55 (25%) 12 (17%) 38 (55%) <0.0001 8 (21%) 22 (58%) <0.0001 4 (13%) 16 (52%) 0.0002 0.7042
I would recommend the use of pharmacogenomic testing to manage therapy prospectively. 139 (63%) 44 (64%) 47 (68%) 0.2863 27 (71%) 31 (82%) 0.8724 17 (55%) 16 (52%) 0.21 0.0259
I am confident in applying pharmacogenomic information to manage patients’ drug therapy. 77 (35%) 20 (29%) 35 (51%) 0.0045 11 (29%) 22 (58%) 0.0029 9 (29%) 13 (42%) 0.305 0.3406
I know enough about genetics to understand personal genome test results. 108 (49%) 32 (46%) 41 (59%) 0.2151 18 (47%) 25 (66%) 0.1405 14 (45%) 16 (52%) 0.969 0.2631
Personal genomics will likely play an important role in my future career. 137 (62%) 35 (51%) 55 (90%) 0.0072 23 (61%) 32 (84%) 0.074 12 (39%) 23 (74%) 0.095 0.084
Most pharmacists have enough knowledge to help individuals interpret results of personal genome tests. 52 (23%) 13 (19%) 21 (30%) 0.9936 8 (21%) 11 (29%) 0.8978 5 (16%) 10 (32%) 0.912 0.731
Most people can accurately interpret their personal genome test results. 13 (6%) 4 (6%) 11 (16%) 0.7011 3 (17%) 5 (13%) 0.5786 1 (3%) 6 (19%) 0.274 0.1635
I would recommend a personal genotyping test for a patient at this time. 46 (21%) 13 (19%) 25 (36%) 0.0032 7 (18%) 14 (37%) 0.0923 6 (19%) 11 (35%) 0.017 0.3482