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. 2018 Jun 25;58(12):2450–2459. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.8b00256

Table 1. Parameters (slope and intercept) of the Linear Models Applied to Calibrate xTB data (obtained with IPEA-xTB and sTDA-xTB for IP/EA and optical gaps, respectively) to DFT data, alongside Mean Absolute Errors of Calibrated Semiempirical Results vs DFT (B3LYP).

Property Environment Slope Intercept MAD after calibration (eV)
IP Low dielectric 0.91 0.15 0.10
EA Low dielectric 0.92 –1.05 0.06
IP and EA Low dielectric 1.27 –0.32 0.18
IP High dielectric 0.88 –0.24 0.08
EA High dielectric 0.84 –0.75 0.06
IP and EA High dielectric 1.02 –0.41 0.10
Optical Gap Low dielectric 0.83 –0.21 0.13
Optical Gap High dielectric 0.85 –0.25 0.13