(A) Fluorescence microscopy analysis. mNGTHT1 and mNGTHT2 localise to the cell surface in bloodstream and insect stage T. brucei, respectively, as shown by direct mNeonGreen (mNG) fluorescence. (B) Differential RNA-seq expression analysis of THT1 and THT2 genes in BSF and PCF showing developmental control. Total number of reads at the THT1/THT2 locus, applying an uniqueness filter of MapQ>1, are depicted using the Artemis genome browser [66]; raw transcriptomic data was derived from Hutchinson et al [30]. (C) Western blot analyses indicating stage specific expression of in situ tagged mNGTHT1 and mNGTHT2 in BSF (left) and PCF and cells differentiated in DTM medium (right). WT, wild-type; EF1α serves as a loading control. (D) Differentiation in DTM medium of mNGTHT expressing cells (mNGTHT2 cells shown) was validated by immunofluorescence microscopy with stage specific surface markers, VSG-2 for BSF and EP procyclin for PCF. In A and D, DNA was counter stained with DAPI; Scale bars 5 μm.