Figure 3. DJ-1β senses ROS and regulates activity-induced neural plasticity.
(A) DJ-1β is required for ROS and neuronal-activity-induced NMJ elaboration (100 hr ALH). Larvae reared at 25°C. (B) Cell-specific expression of DJ-1βC104A, non-oxidizable on conserved cysteine C104, prevents activity-induced reduction of active zone number. ‘Control’ is aCC/RP2-GAL4 alone. Larvae were reared at 25°C. (C) Activity-generated ROS sensing is dose sensitive. Removal of one copy of DJ-1β (in DJ-1βΔ93 /+ heterozygotes) is sufficient to significantly rescue activity-induced reduction of total dendritic arbor length of motoneurons in 24 hr ALH larvae. ‘Control’ is aCC-FLP-GAL4 alone, heterozygous, achieved by crossing the GAL4 driver to Oregon-R wild type flies.