Ionotropic glutamate receptor subfamilies are indicated in colored boxes at the right. Sequences belonging to the same class are grouped together by dashed lines and the class name is also shown. Green circles highlight the three duplications occurred before the divergence of the ctenophore lineage that lead to these four subfamilies. Bootstrap values are shown at tree nodes and protein names at the end of each branch. Tree branches are colored based on phylum, as indicated in the legend. For unreported phylogenetic groups, names of proteins predicted to bind glycine or glutamate are highlighted in yellow or orange, respectively. Protein names from non-vertebrate species are composed of four parts: (i) ‘GluR#’, where # is a code denoting class or subfamily (A, AMPA; K, Kainate; F, Phi; D, Delta; Akdf; AKDF; E, Epsilon; N, NMDA and L, Lambda); (ii) a number, or range of numbers, denoting orthologous vertebrate protein(s), if any; (iii) a Greek letter to identify non-vertebrate paralogs, if any and (iv) a three-letter species code. iGluRs from
A. thaliana were used as an outgroup. All information on species and proteins used in this phylogeny is given in
Figure 1—source data 2. Phylogenetic reconstruction was performed using Maximum-likelihood inference. The amino acid substitution model used was Vt + G + F. Branch support was obtained after 1000 iterations of ultrafast bootstrapping (
Hoang et al., 2018). Scale bar denotes number of amino acid substitutions per site.