Figure 5. Glycine activates an amphioxus homomeric Epsilon receptor.
(a) Representative homomeric GluE1 (from B. lanceolatum) whole-cell currents evoked by a rapid pulse (500 ms) of different amino acids (10 mM) in HEK293T cells. Left and right glycine-mediated currents denote agonist application before and after alanine, D-serine and glutamate applications respectively for ruling out run-down of the currents. (b) Representative GluE1 responses to 10 mM glycine at different membrane voltages (from −80 to +80 mV in 20 mV steps). Note that a strong inward rectification can be observed even in the absence of added polyamines in the intracellular solution. Inset: currents at negative membrane voltages are shown. (c) Current-voltage relationship for peak currents evoked by glycine (500 ms, 10 mM) applied to whole HEK293T cells containing homomeric GluE1 subunits normalized for the current at −80 mV (n = 3) fitted to a 5th order polynomial function. Error bars represent SEM. (d) Homomeric GluE1 glycine-mediated currents recorded at different time intervals by using a paired pulse protocol. (e) Rate of recovery of desensitization fitted to a single exponential of time constant 10.8 s (n = 3–5). Plot shows the average ratio values (P2/P1) and SEM (error bars).