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. 2018 Dec 7;18(12):4325. doi: 10.3390/s18124325
Acronym Definition
B Birefringent coefficient
CCMI Core cladding mode interferometer
CFBG Chirped fiber Bragg grating
CWD Coupling wavelength dip
DLUWT Doubly-deposited uniform waist tapered fiber
E Electric field
eFBG Etched fiber Bragg grating
FBG Uniform fiber Bragg grating
FEM Finite element method
FLRDS Fiber loop ring-down spectroscopy
FPI Fabry-Perot interferometer
H Magnetic field
HBF High birefringence fiber
HB-PCF High birefringence photonic crystal fiber
Hc Critical magnetic field
HC-PCF Hollow-core photonic crystal fiber
LFPI Cavity length (FPI)
LPG Long period grating
LSI Length of the polarized sensing path
MF Magnetic fluid
MI Michelson interferometer
MMF Multimode fiber
MNF No-core fiber fused between two multimode fibers
MOF Micro-structured optical fiber
Ms Saturation magnetization
MZI Mach-Zehnder interferometer
n Refractive index of the material present in the cavity (FPI)
NCF No-core fiber
ncore Effective refractive index of the core mode (LPG)
ncladi Effective refractive index of the ith cladding mode (TFBG)
neff Effective refractive index of the propagate core mode (FBG)
neff,cladi Refractive index of the ith cladding mode at λcladi (TFBG)
neff,core Refractive index of the core mode at λTFBG (TFBG)
neff,corei Refractive index of the core mode at λcladi (TFBG)
nfast Effective refractive index of the fast mode (SI)
nMF Refractive index of the magnetic fluid
ns Saturated value of the refractive index of the MF
nslow Effective refractive index of the slow mode (SI)
n 0 Refractive index of the magnetic fluid under magnetic field lower than critical magnetic field
OPD Optical path difference (MZI)
PCF Photonic crystal fiber
PMF Polarization maintaining fiber
PML Perfectly matched layer
PS Phase shift
RIMC Refractive index matched coupling
SI Sagnac interferometer
SMF Single mode fiber
SMS Single mode-multi mode-single mode
SNS Single mode-no-core-single mode
SPR Surface plasmon resonance
T Temperature
TCF Thin core fiber
TFBG Tilted fiber Bragg grating
UV Ultraviolet
α Fitting parameter (Langevin function)
εMF Dielectric constant of the magnetic fluid
θTFBG Tilt angle of the grating planes related to the perpendicular of the fiber axis (TFBG)
θ 1 Angle between the polarization direction of counterpropagating beams and the corresponding fast axes of two HBF sections (SI)
θ 2 Angle between the fast axes of the two HBF sections (SI)
θ 3 Angle between the polarization direction of counterpropagating beams and the corresponding fast axes of two HBF sections (SI)
λ Optical signal wavelength
λB Reflected Bragg wavelength (FBG)
λi Center wavelength of the ith attenuation band
λTFBG Resonance wavelength of the core mode (TFBG)
λcladi Resonance wavelength of the ith cladding mode (TFBG)
Λ Grating period (FBG)
ΛFPI Spectral modulation period (FPI)
ΛLPG Grating period (LPG)
Λ TFBG Grating period along the axis fiber (TFBG)
φFPI Phase of the reflected optical signal (FPI)
φSI Phase (SI)
χ Electric susceptibility