Fig. 3. Mutation of the ZFP568-binding site upstream of the Igf2-P0 promoter activates Igf2-P0.
(A) Sequences of WT and two homozygous mutant ESC lines (with deleted nucleotides indicated in red) relative to the consensus binding site for ZFP568. (B) Igf2-P0 and Zfp568 levels were determined by qRT-PCR in the indicated binding site-mutant ESCs before and after Zfp568 deletion with 4-OHT. t test: Error bars indicate standard deviation; **P < 0.01; n = 3. (C) ZFP568 and H3K9me3 ChIP-seq signals at Igf2 in Zfp568 WT and binding site-mutant ESCs.